Friday 5 for June 7: Aural examination
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Jun 7, 2024

Friday 5 for June 7: Aural examination

Answers to today’s questions at 😀 

1. What kinds of non-music sounds do you like falling asleep to?

I prefer the quiet sounds of my neighborhood. The sounds normal to the area I’m living are such as a bus or a car or a motorcycle driving past every now and then, people pulling suitcases when coming home or leaving for a long distance travel, high heals clacking sometimes, elevator door clicking shut, some quiet or normal voice conversation while passing by my bedroom window… those are all okay and don’t bother me at all. But sounds like neighbors having a party with loud music or drunkards, usually teenagers or people in the 20s by their voices and music choices. Those things tend to wake me and/or prevent me from falling asleep. There are no bars etc. in the immediate vicinity – just homes and very few businesses most of which are home businesses such as hair dressers. There’s also no pass through traffic – if you come here, it’s because you live here or have come to visit friends/family. It’s usually quiet at night in my neighborhood.

2. Besides alarms, what sounds do you associate with a particular time of day?

Always and forever: when I watch a Miami Vice episode and the opening credits come on, it is Saturday night and time is about 20 minutes past 10pm. Because that was the day and timeslot in the mid-80s when Miami Vice originally aired here. It in actuality might be 1pm on a Wednesday but it does not matter – by brain and bones say it is Saturday and 20 minutes past 10pm whenever Miami Vice opening credits video comes on the telly.

I don’t usually hear this anymore but – the 12pm test of the general alarm system (that’s to be used in the event of a huge disaster/war/bad event etc.) that happens on the first working Monday of every month. This is an alarm technically, but I’ve never heard it used for actually alarming so far – only the test run for as long as I’ve lived here in my current neighborhood. For 20+ years now! I never heard it anywhere else I’ve lived. First several years that I lived here, I heard it every time – even if I was asleep I’d wake up to it. Now? I don’t notice it almost at all anymore! Sometimes only if I’m outside at exatcly 12pm when it’s tested, but if I’m inside I just don’t notice it it!

I don’t associate any other sounds with particular times of day.

3. What sounds (of any type), unliked by most people, do you like?

I don’t think I have a like like that? I don’t like to have sound on in general, most of the time, since my migraine went chronic in 2008. And even before that, I only really liked my own music on and preferred silence to most other stuff. But I used to be able to tolerate random sounds better than now when the sounds can actually make my head pound if they’re loud enough and go on long enough. I’ve always been sensitive to sound, just like my eyes have always been sensitive to light.

4. In your downtime at home, what is usually the predominant sound?

Now: silence.

Before chronic migraine: my music. I used to always have my music on, and would very rarely turn it off when I really, really, really needed to or wanted to concentrate. Most often I turned it off during school years, when I had to read for the exams. Otherwise I always had my music on in the background.

5. How do you feel about the sound of your own voice?

When I’m speaking, it’s okay. Although sometimes I think it feels and sounds like like I might run out of voice in the middle of a sentence/word. I have sometimes thought it might behoove to get some training in using my voice and speaking – certainly would arrange for some if I wanted to participate in something like politics where I’d need to speak, or needed more flowing speaking ability for work.

When I listed to a recording of myself, I sound a complete stranger.

The Friday Five for 31 May 2024: Three Things
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May 31, 2024

The Friday Five for 31 May 2024: Three Things

Today’s questions at thefridayfive@Dreamwidth

1. What are three things you refuse to live without?

1 – My medications. Because not taking my medications will lead to dire consequences where Crohn’s Disease is considered likely within a year or two. And if I don’t take my migraine medications, awful terrible pain as soon as 24 hours but no later than 2-3 days.

2 – Fan during hot days (heat wave in English). I didn’t used to own a fan, until I bought my current fan about 10-12 years ago, maybe? Honestly I don’t know how I survived the summers without a fan! Now I know that the moment my fan breaks down, I’ll be buying a new one! It really does help that much! I even sometimes need to use during winter.

3 – Books! Or at least stories. I can’t imagine life without books/stories to read.

2. What are your three favorite items of clothing?

1 – My 4 beach dresses that I bought just to use at home during hot days (heat wave days but it’s not much of a wave anymore like it used to be but constant stretch of helle or heat wave days). They made of soft, comfortable fabric and of colors and patterns I like very much. They’re knee-length and have string shoulder straps and I’d love to wear them everywhere but I don’t like showing my underwear (industrial strength bras) to random strangers.

2 – My bras. I need industrial strength bras and if I don’t wear a bra, my back starts to hurt within an hour or two as well as developing heat/sweat rash under by breasts. In addition, being without a bra is just simply horribly uncomfortable even if it’s not hurting. So bras are definitely a favorite item clothing even though it’s entirely out of necessity.

3 – I had trouble thinking of a 3rd one because I don’t get much attached to clothing and the beach dresses described above are the only exception that I can truly call favorites… but… a summer hat! Makes being in the sun a little more bearable by giving some shade to my face, eyes and neck.

3. What are your three favorite books?

I don’t have singular favorite books that stand above all the others no matter what genre they are. More like I have some favorites in a few genres and they tend to change sometimes depending on my mood and what new books I have read. But here’s some that have remain on the favorite lists for a long while:

Scifi favorites: The Expanse book series by James S. A. Corey and Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. These two revealed to me that I can love modern scifi in novel format very much! I’ve never enjoyed reading classic older scifi such as Asimov or Herbert or Le Guin and and didn’t care for the more modern ones either that I found either and for a long time it felt like that only what’s in my libraries so I stopped looking at some point and just watched all the scifi tv and movies I could get my hands on. Then I came across Seveneves, then started watching The Expanse tv series and read those books and then started to look at what the readers of those properties had also liked and found some newer hard scifi (in English) that I liked.

Scifi/paranormal/supernatural/speculative fiction: Whispers, Lightning and House of Thunder all by Dean R. Koontz. Koontz used to write really good books!

4. What are three things you’d grab if you had to evacuate your house quickly?

1 – my medications

2 – my phone & laptop (these are practically always by each other when I’m home so I’d try to grab them both at the same time)

3 – my important papers, although I might forget these or not have time or can’t get to them because of where they are located.

5. What are your three favorite songs or musical works?

I have so many songs and scores I love but I think I listen to these the most:

1 – Love Song by Ofra Haza. Just so beautiful!

2 – Shared by the score for the Star Trek TOS episode Amok Time and the score for the movie The Last of the Mohicans score, specifically the parts composed by Trevor Jones. Also a lot of the various covers made of those tracks, particularly cover by Shamrock Redheads

3 – Shared by The Leftovers score by Max Richter and The Piano movie score.

Question of the Day – May 2024
Posted on
May 29, 2024

Question of the Day – May 2024

By spiffikins  at … Hah! Not late this time!

1. What Words or Phrases Do You Think Are Overused?

“hyvä hallitusohjelma” and “kansan mandaatti” and “meidän on pakko”. The current far right government ministers repeats one of those everytime any of them opens their mouth, and they’re all lies.

2. What Family Traditions Do You Want to Carry On When You Get Older?

I’m not sure that any.

3. Have Your Ever Taken Part in a Protest?


4. Are You a Nerd or a Geek?

I’m a nerd. With a good measure of geek thrown in!

Continue reading Question of the Day – May 2024

Question of the Day – April 2024
Posted on
May 27, 2024

Question of the Day – April 2024

By spiffikins  at Only a month late…


1. What Is Your Favorite Type of Art?

I’m not sure I have a favorite… for creating it, I enjoy puttering around in Photoshop and making wallpapers. I’ve been doing that for 20+ years and still love it. In the recent years I’ve started to do some manual, non-computer art such acrylic pouring and which is so much fun. I also dabble with watercolors but I’m too impatient/exhausted to improve in it much because I don’t have to energy or patience to do enough tutorials to really learn it. So it’s more like a toddler drawing and painting with watercolors LOL But it’s fun and relaxes me and that’s the import part. Maybe it’s more craft than art though!

I admire certain singers who have an amazing voice very much. Such as Ofra Haza. And I have general admiration to writers who put out a new novel every year. And people who can draw realistically. And…

2. What Skill Could You Teach in Two Minutes?

I’m not sure… all that I can think of, would take more than 2 minutes…. Continue reading Question of the Day – April 2024

The Friday Five for 24 May 2024
Posted on
May 24, 2024

The Friday Five for 24 May 2024

Answers to today’s questions over at thefridayfive

1. What’s the happiest thing to ever happen to you?

I… don’t know. I can’t think of anything that would fit the “happiest”. Lately I’ve been noticing I’m having problems thinking and feeling positive things, and can’t usully name when I’ve felt an extreme emotion. I was happy to study to be a librarian/library clerk, and I was very happy every time I got a temp job (Because more money! Work I like a lot!) And my Mom’s dog, Caro the Beagle, made me very happy indeed whenever I saw her!

But I can’t name the happiest thing that ever happened to me, and am not sure if that’s because it hasn’t happened to me, or because I think feel/think of one because I’ve been a little depressed for years due all the chronic illnesses and money troubles. On the other hand, I don’t think I’ve ever been one to feel extreme emotions but just always been a pretty steady line emotionally. So I’m not sure… I think, if someone put a gun to my head, I’d say Caro the Beagle. I think she’s probably the closest to the happiest thing that ever happened to me!

2. What’s the saddest thing to ever happen to you?

Either that my Dad died of brain cancer just before my 15th birthday.

Or the narrowness of the life I am able to lead, as result of the chronic illnesses themselves, but also the way they have made me unable to work for 16 years, and the social and financial loss that brings and the bureautic troubles, and that I can’t see no real change to this state of being in foreseeable future. All that is also intertwined with the way this circumstance has resulted in permanent poverty without ease for the last 16 years, with also no change to that in the foreseeable future. The way the chronic illnesses and poverty rules my life and makes my possibilities so narrow makes me feel awfully sad every time I really think about it.

I can’t say which I feel is the saddest thing. I dealt with my Dad’s death decades ago, but I’m grappling every day with the other and so far I haven’t found a way to completely accept that this is my life.

3. What’s the thing that got you the most angry in your life?

Finland’s current far right government and its “destroy the unemployed, the poor and the working man” policies are making me hate them, each minister and party member each and everyone one, both individually and as a group. I’ve never been this angry this long about anything before, but they are making me actually really truly hate them – I’ve never truly hated anyone before, and I don’t like the experience.

4. What’s the most frightening thing to ever happen to you?

This current far right government.

5. What’s the most unbelievable thing to happen to you in your life?

I think it’s kind of unbelievable that somehow I have so many serious chronic illnesses and health problems. I guess I won the “manifest really bad genetics” lottery!