Posted on
Mar 1, 2011

Health Update

Had the special dentist’s appointment today.

They took three X-rays, which revealed I have two big holes in two of my teeth, the same place on top left and top down. I had all my wisdom tooth removed when I was a teenager, but my mouth is still cramped, and the last teeth both up and down on both sides are all half under gum and also against the cheeks. The gum was punctured twice after the  removal of my wisdom tooth, but it grew always back and finally, I was told to leave it like that unless they start to bother me. Well, they haven’t and don’t, but now the ones on left have holes underneath there.

The dentist told me that my options very likely will be root canal, or removal. She said it may be technically impossible to repair them because of how cramped my mouth is, and that I can still chew pretty normally without the pair. And there are of course implants, if I want to go that route.

I’ll have to talk with my regular dentist about the options, but I’m leaning towards having them removed altogether. My Mom had root canal done to the same teeth twice but they failed, and it had to be removed in the end. And I’ve been googling and saw that 97% of root canals require repeat performance on the same teeth in the next three years, and  even then half will have to have it removed inside eight years. And that removal is a good option to think about instead of having root canal.

She also said that all this can contribute to the chronix diarrhea, but in her opinion not cause it. So no help there, but I’m glad my mouth was checked anyway because otherwise who knows when the two holes would’ve been discovered because they don’t cause pain (so far, anyway – knock on wood) and are only visible in X-rays.

Posted on
Jan 31, 2010

New Look!

As you can see, we have a new look up here! I visited today the awesome site Aun Existe Amor; I have long loved their designs, and was so happy to see that they have released their first WordPress theme :D I just had to use it immediately!

Posted on
Jan 11, 2010

Fan Fiction

I’ve imported all my writings I wanted to keep to WordPress and deleted the efiction site. You can access them by the Writings link in the menu.

Posted on
Jan 11, 2010

Ranting to self / Thoughts On Writing

I feel bad about not writing, or rather writing so little. Writing isn’t easy for me, it takes a long time and more energy and so much more creativity than say, making wallpapers, or avatars. I think a thing contributing to this is that English isn’t my native language, and I try to be too careful to say what I mean to say perfectly the first time – instead of just getting it down, and rewriting and tweaking it later. So it takes a lot of energy. For the last couple of years, ever since I started at my last job in February 2007, I haven’t had that energy, or if I have had the energy haven’t had the creativity. At first the job was so bad and stressfull, and two months after that ended all that health problems/stuff I’ve been writing in my Livejournal started, and is still going on as I write this. I fell out of writing habit.

In case you’ve been wondering why I can keep capping as normal with all this health stuff going on – capping demands very little; uploading is by far the worst part, and even that doesn’t need much effrot. And weeding out the bad caps, even though I hate doing it because it’s boring, is so routine, there’s no thinking involved. So that’s why I’ve been managing capping normally, and wallpapers/avatars almost normally.

Now that things are looking a little better, I hope I can get back to that habit – I miss writing, and I’m writing in my head all the time, every day. It’d be great if there were a device that could read my thoughts and put them on paper but there’s not, so just have to do it hard way…

It doesn’t help that I dread writing Todd – not so much because I don’t think I can write him, but because I haven’t written a canon character other than Ardeth Bay in more than 7 years, I think. I don’t remember dreading writing Ardeth even the first time around. I think Ardeth and The Mummy universe have become my comfort zone, and now I need to write start writing the part with Todd, I’m dreading getting out of that comfort zone. I had no trouble writing in SGA when it was just on OC – granted, there was some direction problems because I didn’t know why she was there and why Todd would want her, but with AKVeronica60′s help, I believe I got that sorted out. So it just remains to write Todd… and I don’t. There’s quite clear in my head, and there’s been times when I’m not tired and feel like I can write… and I don’t. I procrastinate, do anything but write. And I hate that!

Any suggestions as to what to do to brake this rut?

I’d love to try a WC – explanation here – but that’s complicated by my living in the “wrong” time zone for pretty much any fandom real-time online activity. I’m in Finland which makes my time zone GMT+2, and I’m pretty much sleeping when most people I know online are up and vice versa. If you live in a time zone closer to mine, and would like to try a WC out, please e-mail me or leave a reply here.