Category: Gillian Anderson

Jan 12, 2023

Wallpapers I Made In 2022

I made 42 wallpapers all in all last year! A lot of tv and movies I’ve wallpapered a lot before such as Game of Thrones, Jeri Ryan, Oded Fehr or The Mummy movies but also some rarer ones such as The Expanse and Star Trek TOS. Dynasty/The Colbys and The Last Kingdom was completely new!

Jan 28, 2022

Big Bunch Of Wallpapers

Big Bunch Of Wallpapers

I made 16 new wallpapers yesterday, all in all! 😆 The Dynasty and The Colbys wallies I posted yesterday, and these other ten.

The newest version of Photoshop has this excellent new feature “Select Object” which makes cutting backgrounds off a breeze so far! I was playing around with it yesterday and it seems to work as well as on photograps as screencaps. I couldn’t stop trying it out on photos, so here’s a lot of wallpapers on some of my favorite subjects 😆 

Gillian Anderson and Star Trek TOS

Jeri Ryan

Oded Fehr

The Mummy Returns

Jun 22, 2021

Hannibal TV Series

Finally managed the make it through all three seasons of Hannibal. I’ve been intending to watch this since it aired, for the story and especially because Gillian Anderson has a re-curring role. This was my third or fourth try; the other times I never got much past season 1 for some reason – partially because it was always hard to find, partially and this happened again this time, I had some trouble staying interested through the season 2 and 3. I think it’s well-written and beautifully filmed, very stylized, but in seasons 2 and 3 I felt like fast forwarding quite often, and this was because each episode had many, many, many lingering filmings of various things like blood drops falling, rain spattering, a drink being poured etc. etc. It started to feel like the episodes would be half shorter had those thing been used less. I also started to lose my suspension of disbelief when it came to some injuries certain characters kept amassing – it started to feel not believable that they could survive all of them. But I liked the ending! I feel like both Will’s and Hannibal’s story came to a finish that felt believable given what had gone over the three seasons. I can see them both dying, or one, or both, surviving the sea, given what was shown with Bedelia after the end credits. I can see it going either way, and I’m okay with all three options.

I did some caps of Gillian Anderson; she looked great as Bedelia and her performance was very measured. I’ll probably do a wallpaper or two at some point 🙂 I thought all the actors were great.

Seasons 2 and 3 gave me grief while I was watching – I don’t know whether my copy was weird, or whether it was truly filmed like that but those two seasons were so bloody dark, lighting wise. Season 1 was beautiful, but I could hardly see who the people on screen were in seasons 2 and 3. I had to increase the contrast in MPC-BE a lot to get it look like normal. The Gillian screencaps came out also very, very dark! Sadly I didn’t make any caps of season 1 as I was trying to resist that particular desire so I can’t compare them.