Friday 5 for September 6: Bronze
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Sep 6, 2024

Friday 5 for September 6: Bronze

Answers to today’s questions over at

In sociology, the third place refers to the social surroundings separate from the two usual social environments of home (the first place) and the workplace (the second place). Examples of third places include churches, cafes, bars, clubs, libraries, gyms, bookstores, hackerspaces, stoops, parks, and theaters.

Interesting question! I didn’t know this term.

My first place is home and second place is my Mom’s home because that’s the other place I spend time at with any regularity that has meaning. I spend about 90% of my time at home. Because of my chronic pain, symptoms of the various illnesses and lack of energy, I’m not able to do much or for long periods (hours) at a time. My life has become very limited since getting ill in 2008.

1. What is your usual third place these days?

There are long stretches of time that I don’t actually have a third place. When I do, the last 7-8 years it has been something to do with some kind of rehabilitation activity or rehabilitation exploration possibilities.

The providers vary, but it’s always my GP who writes the doctors recommendations that opens those doors to me, and often TE-toimisto (the unemployment office) also uses their connections (link officers to KELA or a written statement) to help open those doors, depending on what I’m applying for. Sometimes it’s been kuntouttava työtoiminta (rehabilitation activity) where my goal has been mostly to try out “working” – not a job, but an activity outside home for 4-5 hours (6-8 hours with commute which in my case a few providers say must be accounted in) and for 1-2 days a week in my case. With very light tasks to do there or even just things like painting or making bracelets for kids using wooden and plastic pearls. So nothing like real work. In my case, it’s been to test how my health in general and migraine in particular handles it when there’s a day that’s more than just being home, doing things at my own pace. Emotionally and mentally it’s always been nice and refreshing but physically exhausting and migraine inducing every day I’ve been there.

The other thing it’s been are various types of rehabilitation explorations – these are multi-discipline (doctor, nurse, psychologist, physiotherapist, social worker and sometimes more) courses, where my health situation is assessed along with my entire life situation, possible future avenues charted and recommendations made. These are either group format, or partially group format and so offer also peer support, even though people usually have different health challenges but we’re more or less in very similar situations. Usually/often the thought is towards back work life, but in my case it’s always ended up that not being possible at this time, and being more rehabilitation and more doctor’s appointments to find out can anything further be done for my chronic migraine and just basicly trying to slowly add more resilience to my health, particularly the migraine by kuntouttava työtoiminta and other ways.

All this because the bureaucracy can’t admit that I’m 1) factually unable to work to support myself despite doctor’s statements and 2) no sane employer will hire a person who has not been able to have a job for 16 years due to many illnesses because if they do hire me and I end up finally getting disability retirement (the likelihood of which is great because having job finally would prove what everyone already knows to the bureaucracy) because they will end up footing the the bill for the said disability retirement – but no new worker.

2. How are your third place needs different today from some other time in your life?

I don’t really have third place needs at this time. And I don’t really remember having them before either! Unless you count my Mom’s Beagle back when she (the dog) was alive – I definitely had to play with the Beagle every week back then!

3. What’s missing from your third places these days?

Ability to regularly enough to spend time in one to have a third place in the first place!

4. What kind of third places do you see yourself never frequenting?

Bars, night clubs, beaches. Just in general places where there are lots of people and a lot of noise, or that are hot and sunny.

5. Which third place in a television series would you most enjoy?

I think maybe Ten Forward on Star Trek TNG. There’s always a nice view out and on the show it’s never too crowded or noisy.

Posted on
Sep 1, 2024

After Many Years, Maybe COVID-19

So… we now think, after 4 years of avoiding it, one of our close family circle has finally had COVID-19! Namely my Mom.

Last weekend she had high-ish fever particularly in the evenings, along with tiredness and feeling off and no appetite, for three days. Then when she woke up early on the morning of the 4th day, she was ridiculously sweaty but the fever had broken and she was, and has been feeling normal ever since! She says the whole thing was weird – no sniffles, coughing, sore throat or anything like that. Just the fever, tiredness, no appetite and feeling off. One of her friends who had a diagnosed COVID-19 a few years ago, said hers was exactly like that too! So we’re pretty sure we’ve had it in our close family circle now finally after many years. Mom’s kind of surprised because she can’t think of where she could have caught it. But anyway. We’re just happy we got through it with just a scare at least this time *knock on wood*

Question of the Day – September 2024
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Sep 1, 2024

Question of the Day – September 2024

By spiffikins  at


1. How Often Does Your Family Eat Together?

I live alone so I normally eat alone.

I visit my Mom a couple of times a year where we plan it so that I eat with them.

2. Is ‘Be Yourself’ Bad Advice?

It really really depends on the circumstances!

3. What’s Your Comfort Food?

Chocolate. But my real comfort “food” is actually a beverage: Frezza Coco Loco.

4. How Good a Friend Are You?

I’m very good in some aspects (such as (vounteering to) helping whenever I’m asked to help with something) but really bad in others (such as keeping in touch if we don’t see each other every week).

5. Do You Think You’ve Forged Your Lifelong Taste in Music?

It looks like it! I still love all the songs I loved when I was a kid, I’ve just added new ones to the list!

6. How Well Do You Take Criticism?

Pretty well! It might sting for a bit, but I like learning and improving and I like trying to put the criticism into practice. Continue reading Question of the Day – September 2024

Question of the Day – August 2024
Posted on
Aug 29, 2024

Question of the Day – August 2024

By spiffikins  at … All caught up, here’s August questions!


1. What Do You Gain From Pursuing Something You Do Really, Really Badly?

I sing very, very badly (I sound like a cat being tortured!) but I it’s pure fun! I never sing where anyone can here me, though.

2. What Would You Be Willing to Wait in a Really Long Line For?

I can’t think of anything…

3. Do You Wish You Could Return to Moments From Your Past?

Not moments, no. But I’d love to be as carefree as I was when I was in school. Didn’t have to worry about anything but doing my home work.

4. What Pranks, Jokes, Hoaxes or Tricks Have You Ever Fallen For or Perpetrated?

Never done any of those, and can’t remember falling for one either. They’ve never been something my family or friends have been into.

5. What Are Your Personal Superstitions?

That if I stop using Period Tracker or it is discontinued, my periods will immediately go completely and totally haywire. Continue reading Question of the Day – August 2024

Question of the Day – July 2024
Posted on
Aug 29, 2024

Question of the Day – July 2024

By spiffikins  at … Catching up, here’s July questions!


1. How Easy — or Hard — Is It for You to Say No When You Want To?

In some things is a lot easier now than before – as an example, when I was younger, I never could say no to random sales people and door bell ringers :/ Now I have no problems saying no, whether it on the phone or in person.

On the other hand, I’m curious if I’d be able to say no to my boss/senior coworker now. I wasn’t when I was younger and because I was always the temp worker and if you said no, you weren’t asked back or at least I feared that. But I haven’t been able to work in 16 years and I’ve changed a lot in that time, so I genuinely curious if I would say no when asked to do take on too much work to accomplish it all or something.

2. How Good Are You at Time Management?

Pretty good. But I have to make lists these days and create alarms/reminders for tasks and appointments, or I forget them. My memory isn’t what it used to be.

3. Have You Ever Been in Love?

I’ve had crushes, but I don’t think I’ve ever been in actual love.

4. What Nicknames Have You Ever Gotten or Given?

Some of the girls in grade school gave a nickname made from my surname. I can’t say it here because I use it in same places to login. The only nicknames I’ve given were to our Beagle Caro, and they were always situational. Continue reading Question of the Day – July 2024