Posted on
Jul 24, 2019

Back From ER – I’m On Hiatus

I just got back from the ER where I had to go early this morning because of the migraine. They managed to knock it down back a lot – not completely to get rid of it, that never happpens at anytime – and I’m currently feeling better. But it kinda feels like it might flare up again in hours/days because the sunny, hot weather will continue at least for the weekend and so there’s just too many triggers. So in an effort to avoid it going bad enough for another ER visit to become necessary, I’m going on hiatus.

I might do some Tubmlr edits or wallpaper stuff if I feel like it, but no fansites will get updates until I’m feeling I’m out of the immediate danger of it flaring badly.

Posted on
Jul 21, 2019

Maybe A Hiatus For My Fansites?

Looks like the next 10 days are going into kill me already and be done with it territory with temperatures between 26-31 Celcius. This past weekend already nearly did me in. I’ll propably be on hiatus as far as all my sites go, until this stupid heat is over, however long that takes – two weeks, two months… who knows! I hope my fan keeps working, it’s six years old now and I worry it’ll break down just when I need it the most!

In breaking news, Jeri Ryan has apparently signed on Star Trek: Picard 😀 Here’s hoping it’s a meaty role, not just a cameo!

Posted on
Feb 12, 2014

In The Hospital

All sites are on hiatus until further notice.

I’m in the hospital, been here since yesterday morning – first at the ER then ward. Don’t know when I can go back home, they need to find out what caused the acute bad diarrhea that induced dehydration (so bad I was falling down due to dizzyness) – antibiotic  or acute worsening of Crohn’s Disease.

Continue reading In The Hospital

Posted on
Feb 19, 2013


I’m going on a hiatus for 1-2 weeks, due to personal, health-related reasons. During that time, I’ll deal with any server issues and problems and script updates as normal should there be any, but all other things will be on hold.

Posted on
Apr 27, 2011

Livejournal, Hiatus, Flu

It’s that time of year again – weather turns to spring and summer, and I whine about it. It’s been very springy the last two weeks or so, weather is almost hot in the sun but still cold in the shade, and I got the flu to prove it 🙁 And as always in the spring and summer when the sun shines, the inside temperature of my appartment goes up unbearably – it’s already gone up to 27 degrees Celcius… I fucking HATE spring and summer.

Anyway, I I said I got the flu and that pushes my end of hiatus a bit – I had planned to officially come ouf of hiatus in the beginning of May, but now I’m officially pushing it at least mid-May. I’m not going to do anything except script updates (if there are any) until this stupid flu is completely over.

And the last bit of news… I renamed today my LJ account nekhbet_ariane to my original account name ariane179254after the first rush of excitment I never really liked the other name, and what I should’ve done when I quit LJ as personal site was delete all posts & everything on ariane179254 and just keep that name. I kept all the connections/posts/whatever between the new name and the old name, so the change should be seamless and nothing gets lost/deleted etc.