Category: Dynasty II: The Colbys

Jan 12, 2023

Wallpapers I Made In 2022

I made 42 wallpapers all in all last year! A lot of tv and movies I’ve wallpapered a lot before such as Game of Thrones, Jeri Ryan, Oded Fehr or The Mummy movies but also some rarer ones such as The Expanse and Star Trek TOS. Dynasty/The Colbys and The Last Kingdom was completely new!

Jan 27, 2022

Dynasty & The Colbys Wallpapers

Dynasty & The Colbys Wallpapers

Made 6 new wallpapers for Dynasty and The Colbys featuring Joan Collins, Emma Samms, Tracy Scoggins and Claire Yarlett.

Jan 13, 2022

Barbara Stanwyck Wallpaper

My first wallpaper of the year is of Barbara Stanwyck, as Connie Colby in The Colbys. Back when I first saw this show in mid-80s, she was my favorite along with Stephanie Beacham as Sable. Prior to the start of the show, I had just seen Barbara Stanwyck in several black & white Hollywood classics and though she was so awesome in those, and was so happy to see her every week in The Colbys 😀 

Dec 13, 2021

Dynasty II: The Colbys – Random Thoughts

Random thoughts about Dynasty II: The Colbys

I saw The Colbys in the mid-80s when I was about 12, so it’s been 30+ years since I last saw this show. It’s always THE soap I compare anything soapy/luxurious-rich-people-movies-tv-shows against.

– I didn’t like Jason when I was a teenager, thought he was booring and wishy-washy about Sable/Francesca! Now I like him a lot better – he’s still too wishy-washy and unclear with Sable, especially after he decided that wants to divorce but he’s not a rapist like Blake or Miles, and doesn’t seem as cutthroat as Blake as a businessman. Dare I say it he seems mostly a decent man?
– Frankie was too too wishy-washy then, and I still think so. And I’m not entirely clear why she abandoned Jeff – because Cecil Colby told her to? Why couldn’t she stay? Because she and Jason were in love? It’s rather selfish, abandoning her son because of that.
– LOVED Connie and Barbara Stanwyck first time around, and still do! She’s awesome!
– Miles really can’t see beyond his own nose, and he rapes Fallon :/ He’s really immature and violent. I don’t think Miles ever loved Channing, he was still hang up on Fallon.
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Dec 9, 2021

Dynasty II: The Colbys Wallpaper

The past several months I’ve been re-watching Dynasty for the second time (I don’t really remember anything from the first rewatch about 20 years ago, and originally I only saw about from when Amanda joined the show to the end) and it’s spin-off The Colbys, for the first rewatch ever inspired by discovering in the summer that The Colbys have been released on DVD. When I was a preteen in the 80s and these two shows were aired in my country, The Colbys was my favorite soap, one that I compared all other soaps to ever since. Sable was my favorite character, and I adored Stephanie Beacham in the role. Having finished the rewatch of The Colbys about a month ago, and still loving Sable so much (she’s so much fun!) and Stephanie Beacham, I wanted to do something with her. So here’s a Sable wallpaper :mrgreen: