Category: Piwigo

Sep 7, 2011

Piwigo – Alternative To Coppermine?

Has anyone used Piwigo instead of Coppermine for a gallery? I’ve been playing with it today, and really like it. The download is less than 4MB instead of 17 like with Coppermine, and there’s a plugin to upgrade it automatically that if it works as well as the other plugins, will be sweet. And the plugin install is a lot easier than in Coppermine. They also have some nice themes on offer, although not maybe in what’s thought of as “fansite style”. I haven’t looked at making themes yet so that might be a problem but so far it’s the only minus I can think of. 

Here is my test Piwigo: 

I’m very tempted to switch to Piwigo on at least some of my sites to see how I like it in real use because there’s also one other thing that makes this software look very attractive to me personally: a plugin for WordPress called PiwigoMedia that works (unlike every Coppermine plugin for WordPress I have found) and doesn’t produce shortcodes but real image URLs instead.

But before I do any decisions, I’m curious about others Piwigo experiences.