So Obsessed
So Obsessed
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Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!
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Jul 9, 2011

Random Things

First off, I’m dealing better with the hot weather than I did the last three summers 😀 I guess it’s because the migraine situation is so much better now and all my energy isn’t going to withstanding it. It’s been about three weeks of hot weather now, and today is the first time I feel like I can’t deal with it… just last summer, it would’ve been the third day the latest. I still hate it, but so far I don’t seem to notice it as much as I used to. And today I notice I think because:

<rant>I’m tired – I slept only 2-3 hours last night because some neighbors of mine got up/got in at 4am and talk as loud as it had been in the middle of the day. They continued this until 7am :<  I don’t get people like this: I can’t talk outside all my private stuff in voice that anyone who happens be within 50 meters hears every god damn word. Don’t they have need for privacy???????  And even if they don’t, how about being considerate? Just because it’s summer, don’t mean there ain’t people getting up early to go to work and who should be allowed to get their much needed sleep! Assholes.</end rant>

Maybe I should be grateful I’m unemployed? At least I don’t have to deal with the desire to go and strangle the assholes because they’re forcing me to go to work with whopping 3 hours of sleep.

In other news, watched the first episode of Torchwood’s season 4 today. I thought the US version was supposed to be a reboot/reimagining/whatever? But this continued where season 3 left off. Otherwise, I liked it. It was kind of weird though, Torchwood comprised of only two people. I’m happy though, to have another scifi series back on the telly. And heard Falling Skies got renewed and there’ll be season 2. Glad of that too, the shows been nothing special so far, but it’s scifi and and scifi not getting canceled (nearly) always makes me happy 🙂 I like it so much better than V (2009) when it comes to writing humans – it’s feels like it’s about all of us, even though there’s few characters focused on. This was my problem with V – the human side was supposed to be about all of us humanity, but failed spectacularly in that because they kept the focus too tightly on Erica  🙁 Falling Skies reminds me of the original V in that sense – these a few key characters, but feels like these characters are part of a community, and there are lives and stories that exist beyond the camera. I never got that feeling about the human side of V – it was all about the very few inviduals: Erica and her pals, although the subject matter required wider scope. So for that alone, Falling Skies feels more real (read: better) to me than the 2009 V ever did.

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