So Obsessed


Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!

Sep 17, 2011

Reading Failure

In the past two weeks, I’ve gotten about a dozen e-mails/wp comments/ twitter messages from people thinking that the site or the twitter account is run and maintained by the celebrity themselves :< These sort of messages come in every once in a while, it’s been fleeding these lately.

Why do so many people fail at reading??!! On most of my fansites I have something like “this is an unofficial fansite for [Insert Celebrity Name]” tagged on the header and also “This is a completely unofficial fansite – the owner is in no contact with neither [Insert Celebrity Name], their management or family in any way what-so-ever.” spelled out in the footer or the sidebar. But judging by the e-mails I get, a number of people read it mean exactly the opposite and send me e-mails and questions thinking they’ll get to speak with the celebrity her/himself *head desk*

Feels like I should start saying “official” instead because the way it’s going, it’s like they’re automatically interpret it to mean the opposite and that no, I really don’t have any contact with [Insert Celebrity Name] :/

Same goes for fansite twitters. Don’t people read the site name or account name and the description at all, or do they see only the letters forming the name of  [Insert Celebrity Name], and never ever even accidentally see anythingat all that is screaming at them from the page that it’s not the [Insert Celebrity Name]’s own offical site or official twitter account???????!!!! Like the words unofficial and fansite and I’m not [Insert Celebrity Name]???????

I’m tired of explaining the same thing over and over and over, but I think it’s rude not to reply legimate comments and questions (by which I mean those that are not clearly spam) so if I don’t, I feel bad.

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