So Obsessed


Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!

Aug 4, 2016

Health Update + Musings

Nothing much to report on the health front… my Crohn’s Disease symptoms vary wildly and has been doing that since March. I think it was the iron supplement that I have take that set it off after a little more peaceful period. I changed the brand but it didn’t help. Got a check-up coming up in later this month; curious if there’s anything alarming/must-take-action showing up in the blood panels.

Been going to a PPT (psycho-physical therapy) therapist for about two months now. She’s helping me find coping mechanisms and it’s been helpful. Also been going to a nutritionist with experience in inflammatory bowel diseases, apparently I should have been directed there back when I started having chronic bowel problems and erikoissairaanhoito (Special Health Care, the more advanced form of the basic health care which gets involved when the basic health care which is the first step can’t diagnose/treat etc. an ilness) got involved or when I got the Crohn’s Disease diagnosis back in 2012 at the latest, but they didn’t. Also been going there for about two months. So far it hasn’t helped with me the symptoms, but has helped me balance my nutrition better.

And now some random musings…

In the fall of 2015, I decided to wait until the season 2 of Gotham comes out on Bluray before watching it, like I did with season 1, and I’m so glad I did! It just gorgeous on Bluray 🙂 I like it fine but I’m don’t think I’d watch it if Morena Baccarin weren’t in it, Bluray or not. I tried to watch season 1 when it aired and couldn’t maintain interest, even though I think it’s good. There’s just something about it that doesn’t work for me unless I binge it.

Good thing autumn is almost here – it’s been sunny for almost all of last four weeks and I can’t take it anymore. I’ve started avoiding going out because I can’t deal with the unrelenting brightness anymore. I do grocery shopping once a week and my doctor’s appointments if I have any but that’s it.

Re-doing my fanfic site, I realized that all my main female characters have names ending with an “a”  – Angelina, Giulietta, Ella, Carolina, Safiyaah, Tahirah. Huh. Technically, the last two end in “ah” but in my mind it’s the same. What does this mean, if anything?

Trevor Jones’s score for The Last Of The Mohicans is my favorite music. I can happily have those nine tracks on repeat for hours and hours, and literally just listen and do nothing else. I have so many versions of them by various artists downloaded from Youtube it’s ridiculous.

Nutella is horribly, sickly sweet. Do people really love it like I’ve hearing for years? I bought my first jar ever yesterday because I wanted to try a chocolate cake recipe which uses it in the icing. Baked it today, haven’t tasted the cake yet but did taste the Nutella itself and yagh. Too damn sweet Good thing the icing also uses some cream to dilute it but I wonder what the final product tastes like. But unless this cake is amazing, this was the first and last Nutella I’ll ever buy.

That’s it from me for now…

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