So Obsessed
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Oct 16, 2020

thefridayfive: Hydration

An old set of questions from  the friday five @ Dreamwidth. Image from Pixabay.

Have you hydrated appropriately?

I slept most of the day due to having insomia again last night, so I haven’t yet, no. Need to remember to drink more before going to sleep!

What are your feelings on fizzy water (LaCroix and similar)?

I like it when there’s some added vitamins and taste but don’t care for the natural flavor. The cheap shop brand ones are a lot cheaper than Sprite or Coca-Cola so I like to buy them sometimes. I always drink 1,5 litres as during the prep for colonoscopy along with other clear liquids, for this purpose I always choose the lemon taste because Moviprep (the actual prep medication) tastes vaquely of lemon and after about a decade of that, I’ve come to associate vaque lemon taste with the prep and don’t want to ruin other flavors by starting to associate them with the awful prep. When I buy for fun, I like get strawberry or blackberry flavor.

Is there a particular holiday-associated beverage you like?

I love sima (mead) which is drank on/around May Day here in Finland, but sadly my Crohn’s Disease doesn’t like it so it depends on it whether I can have, and how much. Before I got Crohn’s, I used to make two batches of 4 litres because I loved it so. I also like glögi (glogg or mulled wine) which is a hot beverage drank around Christmas; it usually contains alcohol but I drink the non-alcohol version.

Do you have a fancy coffee or tea order? (possibly only for special occasions?)

Well, the only coffee things I drink are the cold Frezza drinks and I have done so only the last maybe 2 years?? I usually buy some everytime I go grocery shopping – it’s actually something I should try to do less. I used to hate everything even lightly coffee flavored – too bitter. My number one favorite is the Frezza Mocca Choco Loco ( which is a chocolate flavored one. My other favorite is the Frezza Latte Silky Milky, which is a latte ( I’d like to try some flavored coffees sometimes, but I hate the regular coffees, don’t know anything about anything and so don’t know what to ask for in a cafe. My friends/family either don’t drink coffee at all, or only the regular one with maybe cream so they’re not of help at all.

Do you only drink hot beverages when it is cold outside? Why or why not?

I actually only drink hot beverages when I am cold, or have a sore throat – the weather outside doesn’t matter! I tend to run hot, and used to get too hot very easily (this has somewhat changed after the 2014 hospital stay, propably because my normal body temperature dropped from 37 Celsius to 35,6 Celsius for some reason during/after that health crisis) and because of that I’ve never really liked to eat hot food or drinks. Until about 4 years ago, I never ever drank anything hot unless I had the flu and a sore throat (so not even every year) and only ate 4-5 hot meals a week. Now I eat hot meals most days, and drink hot drinks when I’m feeling cold which varies from a couple of times during autumn and winter months to every day for weeks or even months depending whatever my body decides to feel. I’ve actually had to buy an electric kettle and take up drinking tea because I’m cold so often!

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