So Obsessed


Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!

Jul 2, 2021

Random Thoughts

Picture from Pixabay. Because I miss winter and wolves are beautiful.

  • Heatwave: please bugger off. I promise you I won’t mind! 😯 
  • I tend to think black ink is boring, but my Lamy AL-Star Turmaline, with an M nib, and Pilot Iroshizuku Take-sumi are a lovely combination! I my favorite black so far out of all the ones I’ve tried. Lovely to write with and looks great. :mrgreen:  I love all but one of Iroshizuku inks I’ve tried so far: Kosumosu, Momiji, Yama-budo, Murasaki-shikibu, Kon-peki and Take-sumi. Tsuki-yo I didn’t like the color but it wrote just as well as the others. I’ve got the 15ml bottles of Yama-budo, Momiji and Kon-peki, and I’m salivating to get also Kosumosu and Murasaki-shikibu. I also got samples of Ku-jaku and Syo-ro, but haven’t tried them yet. All the Iroshizuku inks I’ve tried behave beautifully, so well that I want to try all of them – even colors I’m usually not crazy about. I’d love to get the bigger bottles, but they’re expensive as far as I’m concerned and anyway, too big for me – they’d propably last me a life time just them. So I’m very happy that sells the little bottles :mrgreen: 
  • Chocolate mud cake (the Finnish/Swedish version which is sticky and runny in the middle), fresh whipped cream and fresh strawberries… delish 😀 
  • A few weeks ago I had eight library books home I hadn’t read. I feel like I haven’t been reading that much lately, but now I somehow have only two books I haven’t started yet, and only four all in all, two of which are actually new that I just got them this week. Have I been stealth reading or what because I really don’t feel like I’ve read four books in the last couple of weeks but I checked the summaries and rembered all of them, so clearly I have?!

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