So Obsessed
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Feb 16, 2024

The Friday Five for February 16, 2024

Answers to this week’s questions at thefridayfive@DW

1. Have you ever been the president of anything?


2. What do you think is the most important leadership trait?

Well, the current far-right goverment is giving us a master class example of what politics look like when “there is no place for empathy in politics”. So, I’m saying empathy.

3. What time period did you find the most interesting to learn about in history class?

I can’t choose. I loved learning about Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Mayans, Incas, the Aztecs… really, about the only thing I didn’t love learning history about was anything after the year 1900. Some of after-1900 I also found interesting but didn’t love it. I hated school but history was probably my most least hated subject at school and I loved learning pretty much all that we were taught.

4. What’s something you think about doing, but you haven’t gotten back into in several years?

Biking. I keep thinking how quickly I could bike to places like the grocery or my Mom’s. Also it’d be easier to carry heavy shopping bags and so could take the bike instead of the bus. The bags are usually too heavy to carry and the walk home just too long with them. I’d probably have re-learn how to bike though because I haven’t even tried biking in 20+ years and don’t own one.

5. If you could add one more random holiday to February, what would it be?

To be honest: I wouldn’t. There’s already Runebergin päivä (Runeberg’s day, not a holiday from work/school but special day and special cakes in shops), laskiainen (um, Shrovetide? also not a holiday from work/school, but a special day with laskiaispulla (sweet bun with traditionally raspberry jam or almond paste filling and whipped cream filling) possibly with hot chocolate and sledding if enough snow on the ground) and then at the end of the month, the winter holiday from schools. So February is already busy enough with specialness!

2 Comments on “The Friday Five for February 16, 2024”

  1. I liked your answer to the second question. I came to Finland during the pandemic, in 2020. So of course there were many restrictions then and we lived in isolation but despite that I felt that the previous government was more empathetic and one could feel more secure. Maybe there were also some problems but generally I felt that everything was going in the right direction. The current government makes me miss those times.

    By the way, I love Runebergin päivä! This year I had to go to Poland for a few days so I bought some extra Runebergintorttu and brought it to my family. They liked it too! In Poland we also have another special day in February called tłusty czwartek (Fat Thursday or rasvatorstai: Then we eat pączki, which are similar to munkki (ączki). People really love that day, usually bakeries are full of pączki then, and there are long queues in front of them!

    1. I felt hopeful and like you, felt like things were going in the right direction with Marin’s government as well! And I was so very relieved that Marin’s government was in power during the pandemic right from the start – even now I shudder to think how Sipilä’s or this current government would have handled the pandemic. This Orpo government is taking us in multiple wrong directions. It’s really stressing, and I’m also really disappointed in my fellow Finns. Apparently we are not as civilized as I’ve thought.

      I looked at the pączki wikipedia page and it really looks and sounds like munkki! Wish I could try one out one day 🙂

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