So… we now think, after 4 years of avoiding it, one of our close family circle has finally had COVID-19! Namely my Mom.
Last weekend she had high-ish fever particularly in the evenings, along with tiredness and feeling off and no appetite, for three days. Then when she woke up early on the morning of the 4th day, she was ridiculously sweaty but the fever had broken and she was, and has been feeling normal ever since! She says the whole thing was weird – no sniffles, coughing, sore throat or anything like that. Just the fever, tiredness, no appetite and feeling off. One of her friends who had a diagnosed COVID-19 a few years ago, said hers was exactly like that too! So we’re pretty sure we’ve had it in our close family circle now finally after many years. Mom’s kind of surprised because she can’t think of where she could have caught it. But anyway. We’re just happy we got through it with just a scare at least this time *knock on wood*
It’s a pity that she had to go through all of this but it’s great that she recovered! I almost forgot about COVID even though 4 years ago it changed our lives completely. I lived in Vienna at that time and was planning to move to Finland and then suddenly the pandemic started and instead of coming in late March I arrived in August. But neither I nor anyone from my family had COVID. It seems it’s again here though, and now the autumn is coming, hopefully it will not be as dangerous as it was 4 years ago!