So Obsessed


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Jan 19, 2024

Friday 5 for January 19: Random topic generator

Answers to

1. How much experience do you have with tobacco?

No personal experience at all – I’ve never even tried it. The smell’s awful.

2. What have you made with wood?

Back in school, in the short wood work course I made a little ship. That’s all.

3. What do you think of farmers markets in your area?

I’m not sure we have farmers markets here, but we do have market squares where farmers, bakers and flower growers etc. can sell their things. Most only sell during summer. When I was a kid in the 1980s the market square was filled with sellers, dozens and dozens of them and practically everyone bought their potatoes, carrots etc. there. The produce were domestic and of good quality – better than in shops. But nowadays, it’s vice versa a lot. I think it started to change in the early 1990s but I’m not sure – I just know that by the time I was an adult (I turned 20 in 1994), the number of sellers had halfed. And now only a handful remain.

They renovated the market square last year, after first building an underground parking carage under it, and now there are some sort of cafes/restaurants there in addition to the produce sellers, some of which I think operate only during the summer. There’s also supposed to be events etc. there during the summer.

4. What’s a good movie, novel, or TV show containing a shipwreck?


5. What’s a good song with the word magic in its title or lyrics?

Black Magic Woman by Santana

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