Author: intothisshadow

Jan 7, 2017

Closing Down Sites

I’ll be closing down my fansites/screenapping sites. I’m not sure which ones yet – I kinda want to close down all of them, really.

Reasons I won’t go into here, and also because they’re taking much of my energy (I’m a spoonie and have been for a few years now) and I feel like I want to try and use what energy I have for more creative pursuits such as writing fanfic and making fanart and non-Internet related creative stuff. Fansites are like a work obligation – I know people want and expect updates often and regularly and I feel like I must do that first before anything else or I’ll feel quilty – but then I don’t have any energy left for creative things. I still love doing fansites but I miss being able to do creative things terribly, and that dissatisfaction is bugging me. I kind of want the feeling of not having obligations to update and monitor sites – even if there’s nothing to update with, there’s always the change that the server will blow up or database problems or hacking or whatever. So while most of the time everything goes smoothy and doesn’t require action, it’s always in the back of my mind that anything and everything could blow up any minute. I can’t remember what not-worrying-about-that feels like.

Dec 6, 2016

The Walking Dead: Negan Is Ruining The Show

I can’t stand Negan and this write up by sums up all the reasons why.

I’ve always enjoyed TWD, even the not-so-good seasons had bits and pieces I liked but the current season and all the characters are in every way so tied up with Negan that the whole show is getting ruined. All the eps with Negan have been a chore to get through, and I’m having problems with this last one. For the first time ever I’m tempted to to just drop it, especially now that I just read that Jeffrey Dean Morgan has confirmed that Negan will be appearing in the next season too :/

I’m just so sad that TPTB had to go and ruin a good show 🙁 I’ll miss the characters (who are not Negan) and the world if I give up on it, but Negan annoys me so much.

Oct 21, 2016

Back From The Hospital

Everything went smooth and easy, and I got back home about three hours ago. I’m sore but much less than I thought I’d be… though the pain killers they gave me might still be working at a base level so we’ll see what’s tomorrow like. I’m hugely tired but it’s a good tired  :cheer:

Sep 2, 2016

No Internet For A While

The ISP switch didn’t go as planned 😥 Contacted my new ISP today and heard that propably next week it’ll be activated. So I’ll be mostly offline for several days – the mobile phone’s Internet is really only good on the phone’s and the tablet – on the laptop it craps out. Can’t even read text sites on the laptop. So everything is on hold until I get a working ADSL connection again.

Think I’ll look at this as a vacation…

Aug 20, 2016

Imzy Invites Available

I’ve got 5 4 invites to Imzy available so if you want one, just ask! First come, first serve. I’ll need your e-mail address to send it to.