Mar 22, 2012

New Fansite

I have opened a new fansite: Viva Bianca Source.


Mar 16, 2012

Stupid Cough

I’m sick of coughing. If I have to have to the flu, why can’t I ever have the runny nose version anymore? That doesn’t make my head feel like I’m having a migraine attack for days on end even though I’m not, like coughing all the damn time does :/ And the cough in my experience never goes away as quickly as the runny nose version 🙁 

Mar 13, 2012

Updates Delayed

All updates are delayed. Since February 14 when I had the capsule camera thing done I haven’t been feeling well because it aggravated the bowel syptoms – I’ve had two bad flare-ups, the second this weekend and culminating yesterday. And t0 make it all real fun, I’ve been battling the flu since about Thursday – which in my case means a sore throat and a cough from hell.

Needless to say, I’m not feeling like updating websites right now, and won’t be until I’m feeling half-way human again. So any and updates are delayed for now.

Feb 21, 2012

Supernatural Season 7 Thoughts

So something weird’s been going on with season 7 of Supernatural. Except for the season premiere, all the episodes have been missing some integral part that make them, I don’t know, feel “real” and “Supernatural” to me. For nearly all of the eps, I have felt like the season big bad and huge problem, Leviathans, are ignored. Like they created such a huge threat that they don’t want to deal with it and are doing everything they can to side step around the issue. But because Crawley keeps the demons away from the brothers, there’s nothing really interesting going on anymore and we get things like the mentalists and deranged fangirls marrying Sam. And even though everything written and acted well enough and there’s is absolotely nothing that I can point to and say “that is badly done”, there’s some critical component missing that I cannot identify, and it is that missing element that makes it seem not real to me. So much so that I’ve been starting to wonder about not watching the show anymore and I don’t want that because it only one of its kind. So I have persevered. And was rewarded…

Just finished watching Supernatural episode 7.15 Repo Man right now, and it’s like this is the first real episode since The Girl Next Door! 😀 And it was better than any previous S7 episode, even the premiere! I enjoyed it a lot! 😀 It felt like watching a season 2 or 3 episode 😀 I hope this is a mark of things to come, and not just an aberration in the season. I felt like I had my show back! I really, really want to enjoy the rest of the season just like this episode!

Feb 18, 2012

Chaptered Fanfic

Lately it seems to me that people don’t get chaptered fic ’cause they ask the writer to explain to them the why, what and who of all of it in Chapter 1 because if they continue on to other chapters, they’re gonna be confused. I don’t know… Chapter 1… out of 48. I kind of think you’re not supposed to know exactly why, what and who at this time, you know?

Saw this for the 3rd time today in as many, not sure, weeks?

*head desk*