So Obsessed
So Obsessed
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Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!
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Apr 16, 2011

Bluray-Rom Fail

Looks like my Bluray-rom is failing 🙁 It doesn’t read most CD/DVD/Bluray discs anymore, and the ones that it does read, it takes a longer than usually and with noise 🙁

I dug up my old X-Box360 HD DVD player from storage, which thankfully still works okay so at least I’m not shit out of luck when it comes to playing/ripping CDs and DVDs. I’m only shit out of luck when it comes the Bluray discs though. Good thing I have most of my Bluray discs backed up on external hard drives, but until I can afford to buy an external Bluray player (which won’t happen until I get a job or the prices come down a lot)… it does present a problem for all new Bluray movies/tv series I might want to rent/buy/get from the library and watch in the meantime. Oh, and I won’t be burning any DVDs either, assumably. Haven’t tested that yet.

Luckily it’s only the Bluray-rom hardware. I can still watch and play with Blurays on my hard drive like normal 🙂

Why is it that they can’t make CD/DVD and now Bluray-roms that doesn’t stop working after a year or two? I’ve had problems with all the CD/DVD-roms in all my computers, resulting in me buy external ones when the one that came with the computer stopped working, and I had hoped Bluray-rom would be different. I guess not.

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