So Obsessed


Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!

Sep 8, 2020

Health Update + New Host

  • Have been on long sick leave again since beginning of July, due to migraine and Crohn’s Disease issues
  • I had a colonoscopy today. My Crohn’s Disease symptoms remain restless for the 9th month now despite increases in medication and a course of a new one, so we wanted to see what’s going on with the bowel. It looked good, the Doctor said, but need to wait for the results of biopsies for final word. Currently, barring something surprising in the biopsies, there’s no cause to start biologics or change main medication. I might benefit from a IBD speciliased dietician’s help, so I’ll see one as soon as they can make it happen. Also should try taking a supporting medication at a different time of day, at a different dosage. And lastly to talk to my doctor who oversees my Diabetes treatment about finding something other than Metforem – apparently that’s a bad one to use on IBD patients (and I’ve noticed that it can have some stomach issues in the mornings) and that there are newer tablet format medications to try. Used laughing gas for the first time during the colonoscopy as sedation, and it went well 😀 I’m much feeling much better than with the previous sedation used, have much more energy and pretty much feel like normal. Good thing also is when laughing gas is used, is that one doesn’t have to stay for observation for a couple of hours after, or have somebody come pick me up and stay the rest of the day and night with them. So thumbs up all the way! 😀
  • Having a third day of unstopping migraine attack. Went to the ER because of it on Sunday evening, worried and scared because of the need to do the awful bowel prep on Monday, and wouldn’t have been able to do it as I was – physically feeling ill and weak, and also strong likelyhood of throwing up the required prep drinks (2 litres of Moviprep + 3-5 litres of additional clear liquids of my choice) which would make for a failed colonoscopy. The ER staff were all very understanding about the issue and managed to get me down to where I could do the prep alright. It went pretty easy actually this time, except for the constant pressure in my had. Although in the last 3 hours or so of the prep the migraine changed from awful pressure in my head to a typical hard headache on temples/forehead. Managed to then get that down early this morning when I finished the prep, and now just waiting to see what it will do. It’s just on the cusp of going bad again or subsiding. Hopefully it subsides! *fingers and toes crossed*
  • Have been so terribly tired the last week and then the three day migraine – I really hope things are looking up now! I could use a change of pace.
  • Haven’t been much looking at my sites because of all that in the last week updates wise, but I did change to a new host, last week I think it was. Everything seems to be okay on that front 😀

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