So Obsessed


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Nov 6, 2021

The Friday Five for 5 November 2021: Clothing

Lena Headey as Cersei in Game Of Thrones

Answers to this weeks question at The Friday Five @ Dreamwidth.

1. Do you have a yearly, or monthly, clothing budget? Do you stick to it?

No budget – I loath clothes shopping, and only do it when I can’t avoid it so I can’t budget it – some months I have to spend some on clothing, but most months not at all. I can’t predict at all on a yearly level what I might need to buy in the next year; there’s just too many variables. Only things I can plan for are the winter coat and winter shoes and I usually only have to buy those once a decade.

2. Do you buy trendy clothes, or classic pieces that can be worn for years?

Clothes that I like, are comfortable, ageless and can be worn for years because they’re well made. I don’t care if they’re trendy or classic or whatever.

3. Is there a current fashion trend that you hate?

There are a lot of styles I think look stupid but I don’t follow fashion so I don’t know if they’re trendy now or not. One style that that looks stupid IMO to are those women’s business trousers that end well above the ankle (like this: – that just looks like you bought the wrong size/ran out of fabric to me!

One that’s not so much stupid as I just can’t wrap my head around is wearing like a thick sweater or a hoodie with skimpy summer shorts with bare legs and sandals – it would seem to me that either your legs are freezing being bare – or your upper body is melting in that thick hoodie, all depending on the weather. Like you can’t possibly be comfortable dressed like that?

4. Have you had clothing altered to fit you better?

I always need to have full lenght trousers shorted because I’m short. I either do it myself or take it in.

5. Is there a piece of clothing, or accessory, that you covet?

Not so much a piece or accessory but…

I’d love to be able to wear high heels, or just shoes in general comfortably! I have huge problems with shoes – only ones that fit are some winter shoe models, some walking shoe models and sandals because my feet are thick in the midfoot (the cuneiforms/metatarsals area) and majority of shoes are too shallow there for my feet to fit in them. And all shoes except for sandals rub my heels bloody so I have to put on damn big double band-aids whenever I put on shoes which also irritates my skin unless I can switch to sandals in work/school/indoors activity for the day instead of wearing the band-aids for hours on end. So I would LOVE to be able to wear all the shoes like normal people!!!

Apart from the shoe issue, I’d love to try on a historical corset sometime! Especially ones custom made for me. I love women’s 1750s dresses. I also love Cersei’s season 1 and 2 costumes so I’d love to try on dresses in those styles as well 🙂 And also 1870s women’s dress. Actually, name any historical women’s dress style and I’d probably want to try it on!

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