So Obsessed


Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!

Jun 24, 2022

Friday 5 for June 24: Consumer reports

Answers to today’s questions @

1. When did you last eat or drink something purchased from a truck or other wheeled vehicle?

I don’t actually know if it’s wheeled, I’ve never looked but I don’t think it is… But strawberries from the fruit/vegetable movable kiosk in front of my grocery last summer. Before that, ice cream kiosk some earlier summer might have been a wheeled kiosk or not. So to be clear, I’m not too sure!

2. When did you last purchase something previously owned?

It’s been more than a decade – I don’t usually buy used because I can’t afford to risk being cheated/product being bad condition/broken and not have a quarantee and/or return right. I used to buy DVDs used in late 90s and early 00s a lot though because I watched a lot of movies, but haven’t needed to do that either. These days the DVDs/Blurays I want to buy are usually rare enough to I’m lucky to be able to find at all, never mind used ones.

3. When did a purchase most recently exceed your expectations?

I don’t buy stuff that often so “recent” in this case means the last year. I’ve been exceedingly happy with the two Jinhao X750 fountain pens I bought in March 2021. They work so well!

4. When did you last overpay for something because you needed it right away?

I think I overpaid for The Colbys DVD set I bought a while back. I didn’t “need” it, but Amazon was the only place that had it and the price hadn’t changed for over a year, and I did need to buy something else from Amazon that would’ve been a ridiculous buy alone so I bought the DVD set too.

5. Among recent purchases, what was the best bargain?

A month ago Paperimuru had their entire catalog off by 20% so I bought a bunch of MU print-on-stickers. I’m now set with stickers for the rest of the year!

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