Friday 5 for April 7: Assimilasian
Categories Blog Memes & Asks Personal

Friday 5 for April 7: Assimilasian

This week’s questions over at

1. What’s your best karaoke song? If you have never participated in karaoke, what would you sing first if you were forced to?

I’ve never participated in karaoke and don’t want to, but if a loaded gun is held to my head… Eläköön elämä by Sonja Lumme.

2. How extensive is your ramen experience?


3. What are your five most-used emojis? If you aren’t an emoji-user, which emojis do you see in mainstream communication the most?

I use the emojis from and I think I use these the most: 🥰🔥😍 ❤️ ✨

4. How do you feel about sudoku puzzles?

I don’t. Word puzzles stump me; sudoku puzzle especially so.

5. When did you last consume soy sauce or tofu?

Tofu – I think the only tofu thing I’ve ever tasted is tofu ice cream. That was probably at least 15 years ago if not more? I didn’t hate it or even dislike it, but I also didn’t care for it. More of a “meh” experience.

Soy souce – whenever was the last time I made meatballs. It was during this winter, but I think back on the 2022 side of it. I can’t remember exactly.

The Friday Five for March 31, 2023 – Greeting Cards
Categories Blog Memes & Asks Personal

The Friday Five for March 31, 2023 – Greeting Cards

Answers to this week’s question at thefridayfive@Livejournal –

1. How often do you send greeting cards?

I never send them physically via mail. And I only buy physical ones for my Mom… but I bring it with me when I visit on the celebrations. Sometimes if for some reason she’s not having a birthday celebration, like once when they had had to book their holiday trip abroad for that time due to various things, I also sent her an e-card on her birthday, and then gave the physical card when the celebration was actually had later on.

There’s a few other people I send e-cards to on appropriate days. And even more people who I send text messages or a WhatsApp message.

In fact, text messages took over the physical cards in my circles a lot starting around 2005.

I’ve never believed in sending cards to people/family I never see except randomly maybe once or twice a year while visiting a friend or family just because it used to be a custom to do that. I remember when I was a kid, our family would get like 70-100 Christmas cards not just from close or distant family but also from almost random people – people Mom had worked with a decade earlier or had gone to school with even more time ago and had seen maybe twice since. When we’d visit my cousins or our family friends, they’d all similar amount of cards from people they had no contact with other than those Christmas cards. So was very much the custom to send Christmas cards back and forth in the dozens back then. I never saw the point in that. And to be honest – it got expensive sending like 50 Christmas cards in December when you were a student or unemployed or temping/part time. So I very quickly pared it down to people I actually interact with regularly. And then text messages and e-cards came along quickly after that.

2. What is the most creative card you’ve ever received?

I don’t remember. I usually get typical cards that can be bought on any store; sometimes they’re decorated with stickers but that’s about it.

3. What is the most creative card you’ve ever sent?

The cards I used to make with one parent when it was for the other parent, or the cards we made in school. This was about 40 years ago and I have no recollection at all of what I made, other than I made some!

I sometimes do make a card in Photoshop if I’m feeling like it, using clipart, stock photography, pretty fonts, gradients etc. but it’s not something that I do often.

I’ve been thinking that I would like to/should try and make a watercolor card some time for Christmas – there’s some designs that look easy enough that I should be able to make them! But it hard to time it because of my health issues – so far I haven’t been up for it near the end of a year, so I’d have to paint it whenever I can… be that March or July! It’s just that I never think about Christmas and Christmas cards until about late November earliest.

4. Do you believe the days of sending post cards are behind us?

I think as a general custom, yes. News keep telling me that the number of mailed cards has severely declined, along with other paper mail. I believe there’ll always be people who like to send/receive physical cards, or people who’ll like to make cards themselves, but I think a lot/mostly it’s moved on to text messages, WhatsApp and e-cards already and will do so in the future even more.

5. If you could get a post card from anywhere, where would it be?

I’ve always enjoyed receiving cards in the post when my friends or Mom are on a holiday abroad. Often the cards of a local attraction they visited and when they’re back home I love looking at the card along with the photos they took while they’re telling me what the thing was like in real life and what they liked and didn’t like about it. Never mind that usually the post card arrives after they’ve returned from the holiday already!

Categories Blog Fandom Memes & Asks

Snowflake Challenge #14 – Fandom Wrap

I’m bored and too tired to do anything, but have to stay up for another 1,5 hours… so have answers to [community profile] snowflake_challenge #14 – Fandom Wrap 😀

Challenge #14 –

In your own space, do the Fandom Wrap Challenge. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

What were your top 5 fandoms for 2022 based on the amount of time you interacted with them?

1. Game of Thrones: Sandor Clegane and sansan
2. Zahn McClarnon fandom
3. Jeri Ryan fandom
4. The Last Kingdom

There were others but they were only passing fancies of few weeks and right now I can’t think of what they were!

What were your top 5 fandom spaces (Discord, Twitter, etc.) you experienced fandom in terms of time spent?

1. A03
2. Tumblr
3. Dreamwidth
4. My various actor and tv fansites
5. Reddit

What are the top 5 things you did to contribute to fandom in terms of time? Did you write? Comment? Send positive energy into the universe? Create art?

1. Create wallpapers
2. Update and maintain several fansites
3. Screencapped tv shows and movies for my fansites
4. Helped AO3 Open Doors volunteers finish the import and merger of my two adopted Oded Fehr fanfic archives to AO3, and continue as admin of the resulting Weaver of Dreams collection
5. Leaving kudos and comments fanfics I read.

My biggest contribution time wise were as a fanfic archive admin and the owner/webmaster of several fansites. Spent probably a few hundred hours screencapping tv shows and movies, uploading stuff and doing website behind-the-scenes maintenance etc. Second biggest – I’d say making wallpapers ❤️ I kudos every fic I read that I’m glad that exists, and try to leave comments as much as I can. I’d have loved to have leave even more comments, but didn’t always have the spoons due to my chronic illnesses.

What were your top 5 most appreciated fandom contributions? (i.e. in terms of likes, kudos, reblogs, comments, etc.)

1. Zahn McClarnon fansite updates
2. Jeri Ryan screencaps & photos
3. My wallpapers
4. Keeping the Oded Fehr fanfic archives going, and making them safe for future by AO3 Open Doors import
5. Screencapping tutorial & helping people with it when asked

Special shout-out to Zahn McClarnon fans; they’re were really great and liked and commented the updates a lot every time! It was a pleasure to keep the fansite going when I had it because of the ample feedback they gave me 😀

Have a Top 5 List you’d like to share?? By all means!

Top 5 tv shows I watched last year:

1. The Last Kingdom
2. Star Trek Strange New Worlds
3. Bosch: Legacy
4. Foundation
5. The Lazarus Project

Jo’s Weekly Questions – March 2023
Categories Blog Memes & Asks Personal

Jo’s Weekly Questions – March 2023

Jo over at Dreamwidth put together a list of daily questions for 2023 again  😀 Here’s my answers to March questions.

1 – World Compliment day: Do you think there is still a place in the modern world for unsolicited compliments?

Sure! Why wouldn’t there be?

2 – World Book Day: What are you reading at the moment or what have you just finished reading?

The most recent book I finished is Network Effect by Martha Wells. I loved it! I’ve enjoyed all the Murderbot stories I’ve read, but this one is my favorite because it’s novel length and so things had time to breathe and I could spend more time with Murderbot and its comrades. Network Effect left me hungry for more Murderbot novels! So sad I’d already read all that’s come out so far.

I’m currently reading Kultti by Camilla Läckberg & Henrik Fexeus. I’ve also started on The Death of Mrs Westaway by Ruth Ware but I’m not sure I’ll finish it.

3 – What if cats and dogs had opposable thumbs day? This is a fun one, what do you think our furry companions would be doing if they could open the cans themselves?

Our Beagle would have eaten herself sick. She had no stopping sense! Continue reading Jo’s Weekly Questions – March 2023

The Friday Five for March 17, 2023
Categories Blog Memes & Asks Personal

The Friday Five for March 17, 2023

Answers to today’s questions at thefridayfive@livejournal

1. Will you be doing anything special for St. Patrick’s Day or is it just another day for you?

I’ve no idea what or when that is, so just another day!

2. What is your ancestry and do you do anything special to celebrate it?

I’m Finnish. That’s as far as I care. I know my Mom’s father’s family was of Russian origin but I’m not sure how many generations back because I’m pretty sure even he was born in (Russian ruled) Finland, but I don’t know more details about that and I don’t think my Mom knows either. Mom’s father died in the early 1960s, a decade before I was born and adopted by my Mom and Dad. It just never factors into anything.

I don’t know or care anything about my biological family’s origins.

3. If you found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, how much of it would you spend on play and how much would you tuck away for another rainy day?

I wouldn’t spend for play as such, but I’d be forced to use for every day living because having savings/investments/property means one isn’t entitled to the benefits that I am currently entitled to most of the months of the year – benefits that help me to pay things like electricity bill, my medications and doctors’ bills. I’d only get the unemployment or sick leave allowance, and those are too small to even completely cover my rent and food for a month. So I’d put as much as possible to savings, but be forced to also use it for simply surviving.

4. Have you ever traveled to the home of your ancestors, providing you don’t already live there?

I live here. We did visit Moscow in 1984 when I was ten, but it was just a tourist thing – didn’t have anything to do with family origins. It just never factors into anything, like I said.

5. Have there been any surprises in your family tree?

Nobody in my family has done any genealogy research on our family as far as we know. But what I do know, no surprises. But we don’t keep in touch a lot/at all so maybe someone has and we just don’t know about it. Nobody on our side of the family cares.