Category: Personal

May 17, 2024

The Friday Five for 17 May 2024

The Friday Five for 17 May 2024

Answers to today’s questions @thefridayfive

1) Is summer a break for you, or is it busier?

Back when I was healthy and working – it could be either depending on the year. Sometimes I’d be unemployed and didn’t have anything to do, and sometimes I was hired either specifically as a summer temp (for about two months), or working through the summer was expressly part of longer job deal (4 months up to a year). For those longer deals, I could get the vacation compasated with money if I wasn’t able to take vacation days (or just didn’t want to and would rather have it as money), or I could take my vacation time either at the end of the job, or a few days at a time all the way through except for the two months the permanent workers had their summer vacations. For the short temps, vacation time was always paid out as money.

Since becoming ill, summers are pretty much the same as any other time of the year for me. Once or twice I’ve had some unemployment agency mandated activity or a rehabilitation course during summer. But mostly it’s the same as any time of the year and not busy at all.

2) What’s next for your travel plans?

I have no travel plans.

3) What have you spontaneously done lately?

I moved my sites to a new host pretty spontaneously last month. I had fleetingly thought about it a few times in the previous few months, due to wanting a possibly lower price and because the sites had started to get kinda slow on then-host, but hadn’t really seriously entertained the idea and hadn’t thought about which host terribly much. But then one afternoon, I made the decision to move suddenly in about 10 minutes after reading good reviews from fellow fansite owners about Asura Hosting.

4) What’s your favorite way to unwind after a long day?

Watching a good tv show and/or reading.

5) What’s in your pockets?

I don’t wear clothes with pockets when I’m home, only when I leave the house to run errands. And then only have pockets if I have a coat on (none of my shirts or trousers have pockets at all!). I always have the following things in my pockets:

Left pocket: paper handkerchiefs, keys, small bottle of spray hand sanitizer
Right pocket: my smart phone, lip balm, clip-on sunglasses unless I’m wearing them, bus travel card (for the local public transport). Oh and my ID card, library card and KELA card are in the tiny slit pockets of the phone wallet case so I guess I carry those too in my pocket just because the phone is in my pocket!

Additionally, any sharp(ish) items I need to carry temporarily always go into the left pocket to avoid scratching/breaking the phone even though it’s in a wallet case – I feel like I still need to be careful with the phone ’cause they cost so much!

May 10, 2024

The Friday Five for 10 May 2024

The Friday Five for 10 May 2024

Answers to today’s questions at

1) What are your five favorite birds?

I don’t care much about birds, to be honest. The birds local to Finland all have such boring colors (drab brown and gray and maybe kinda barely there yellow) that I can’t muster interest. I do like watching documentaries and photos of colorful tropical birds such as listed at

2) What are your five favorite pet-type animals?

Just one really: Dogs! I like dogs a lot, and I LOVE beagles! The only pet I’d like to have is a dog or two, and maybe a cat. I don’t care for other types.

3) What are your five favorite wild animals that live in your locale?

I don’t have favorites as such (I don’t care enough) but lynx are pretty cool! And foxes.

4) What are your five favorite zoo animals that you always want to visit?

The giraffes and the big cats are always a highlight for me! And birds, but only if there’s a lot of colorful pretty exotic birds. And zeepras are cool too! And crocodiles – they’re so scary but fascinating and I like seeing them safely from the other side.

I also really like aquariums – the ones I’ve visited have made me feel like I’m under the sea, and a few times when we’ve been there soon after opening in the morning, it’s been wonderfully quiet and peaceful because the crowds haven’t arrived yet and there’s only been like a dozen of other visitors around at the most.

5) What are your five favorite cryptids that may or may not be extinct, may or may not exist in this world?

I don’t think I have five but… Loch Ness Monster. Mothman. Sea snakes.

Apr 14, 2024

Friday 5 for April 12: Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice

Friday 5 for April 12: Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice

My answers to Friday’s questions at

1. What is your favorite shape for ice in a beverage?

Don’t have one. I practically never put ice in, and when I do, it’s just your standard cube. I don’t have other shapes and I don’t care.

2. When did you last apply ice (or something functioning similarly) to your body?

I regularly and often use one of those ice gel packs that are stored in the fridge or the freezer on my forehead or temples when I’m having a migraine attack, or just an otherwise worse-than-normal bad head day. I’m not sure when the last time was – it was this month but whether it was this week or last week, I can’t say for sure it’s so common but not every day occurrence…

I dream of trying on one of those migraine gel pack hats which cover the whole head and eyes and which are stored in the fridge/freezer between uses so it’s cold when you have a migraine attack, but I haven’t found anywhere in Finland I can buy them from and getting one from from abroad is expensive and I don’t trust that the sizing works and so am wary of getting one that is too small/too big… It’s been on my list of things to get for years now for when I have “extra” money to spend but it’s very far down indeed because I can make do with the single gel packs and other more important/useful/fun things come first.

3. What was the occasion for your most recently toting something with ice in a cooler?

Probably when my family did camping in the 1980s when I was a kid.

4. What is the iciest movie you’ve seen?

Not movie but the tv show Fortitude jumped to mind – it’s has pretty icy conditions! As for movies, maybe The Thing from 1982…?

5. What are some good songs with “ice” in the title or lyrics?

Fire And Ice by Pat Benatar is the first one that came to my mind. It’s been one of my favorite songs since I was a kid!

I can’t think of other good ones right now.

Apr 4, 2024

New Furniture!!

New Furniture!!

We just came back from buying me a new sofa because the a few of the springs in my old one snapped last week and made half of it un-seatable, and she said that while we are at it, we need to get you a new mattress and the thin mattress thingy that goes on top of it (mattress topper?) because the old ones are much too old. The sofa was easy, I looked at them online and send some links to Mom and we both agreed that Sotka has the best looking sofas. But the mattress was difficult! My bed is 120×200 cm and apparently 120cm wide mattresses are sold less these days so not all shops carry them at all. Sotka was able to order me one though, so bought both from there – which is so lucky because they’re having huge sales this week! The mattress and the topper were both  60% off and the sofa 50% off.

I’m also so very lucky that my Mom is able and willing to buy things like furniture for me when they break and it happens when I’m not working 💖 When I pay for them myself, even when I was working or used my tax return, I could afford only the cheapest which would mean that both sofa and the mattress would break after about 2 years of use. And with Sotka having those huge procent sales right now, we were able to get a little higher quality than we would have otherwise! The mattress has a 10 year quarantee, and the sofa body 20 years and springs 10 years. So now I can hope and expect that the new sofa will last at least for 10 years… unlike my current one, which snapped its first spring in the 3rd years and guarantee had been only for 2 years because it’s was a cheap one I bought with my tax return 5 or 7 years ago. It’s too cheap to repair – that’d cost at least as much as even a newest cheapest one, and the fabric and springs all would need to be replaced. So there’s no point.

This is my new sofa. It’s so pretty and very sturdy to sit with excellent support for my back.

Image by Sotka

The only thing is that unplanned surprise purchase this pushes the purchase of the new laptop back a little – just gotta keep hoping the won’t break before I get that new one!

A lot of my things are old because when we sold my childhood home and I moved into my own and Mom moved in together her SO, I got practically most of the furniture and other things I wanted from my childhood home because it didn’t make sense to get rid of perfectly good furniture etc. and buy all new ones just because and I liked them fine anyway and didn’t have preference for anything else either. Mom and her SO bought some new things that they both liked as well as well but also as kept a lot of what the SO had already had in his home. I’ve never been into decorating, buying new furniture etc. just for fun (I bought books and later, computers, instead), and also never really having had loose money to buy pricier things just for fun, and anyway the old ones are working great and I like them fine. And then I got ill in 2008 and all the little money I have goes into meds and I can only save a little extra over several months (xx euros instead of several xxx needed for things like a sofa or dishwasher. So all my things are older now: bed frame is 30+ years (good quality wooden frame my Mom bought for herself in very early 1990s), mattress 20+ years, sofa 5-7 years, laptop 10 years, fridge+freezer combo 27 years. We’ve already replaced my washing machine 2,5  years ago (30+ years) and the dishwasher 1,5 years ago (24 old) when they broke.

I guess it’s not a surprise that things break being so old – it’d be the smart thing to do to replace things before they break from old age, but somehow that almost never happens in my family! Instead things are used right up until they break. My sofa particularly gets majority usage – it’s the main place I spend my time on and is the only thing that gets replaced every 3-7 years for the last 30 years depending on whether it’s the cheap one (because I bought it) or of better build quality (my Mom bought it). Luckily my kitchen table and chairs which are 30+ years old and my computer/work desk (40 years  old – my parents bought it for me when I was about 12 and needed a proper desk for school work – but as good as new) I doubt I’ll ever have to replace those unless I want to. I love my work desk – I’m not sure what wood it’s made of, but it’s reddish/brownish and even though I was a child when it was bought for me, Mom and Dad bought it from the adult section and it’s so well made you can’t tell it’s about 40 years old! that’s quality! The 27 year old fridge+freezer Mom and I have been planning to  replace for like 2 years now, but always something else pops up first and it gets pushed back.

All this to say… I’m excited about a sturdy, new, pretty sofa! ✨ And excited about the new mattress and a little worried how I’ll get used to it and hope it isn’t too soft. My old mattress, even still after 20+ years, hardly gives at all and doesn’t make my back hurt unlike some other, softer beds I’ve sometimes slept on. It should take 3-4 weeks until they arrive to Sotka and will be delivered to me. Exciting times!! Can’t wait! 💖 New furniture!!! ✨

Mar 30, 2024

The Friday Five for 29 March 2024

The Friday Five for 29 March 2024

1. Rice or potatoes?


2. Fish or red meat?

I don’t prefer one over the other, but I only eat like two kinds of fish (smoked salmon and fish sticks and the kind of fish used in “fish and chips” in the UK). But really, both fish and red meat are mostly too expensive these days to eat things like steaks every week. But minced meat in a macaroni casserole that lasts for 4-5 days is okay price-wice.

Smoked salmon is very expensive so it’s in the treat department and I usually only buy it once a month, and still only if the price is under a certain amount.

3. Salad or cooked vegetables?

Salad and I need to be able to choose which vegetables go into it. And still I prefer them laid out separately, instead mixed together in a salad. I don’t like cooked vegetables (texture and feel) except when they are made into a smooth soup.

4. Cake or ice cream?

Really depends on the kind of cake it is! If it’s a bundt cake, probably ice cream. But if it’s a layer cake with whipped cream topping and whipped cream + fruits or strawberries filling, then the cake.

5. Water, soft drink, wine, beer, or hard alcohol?

I don’t drink alcohol, and soft drinks can get boring if I drink them too often, so water it is. And water is best when I’m qenuinely thirsty.