So Obsessed


Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!

Nov 14, 2011

Supernatural – Season 7, Time For A Wedding

These “Chuck’s Supernatural books fans” stories have always been boring, uncomfortable and awful as far as I’m concerned. I guess they’re suppose to be a nod to fandom, in-joke or whatever but I hate them. And this last outing is the worst of them all! Sam’s abducted and abused by a creepy, phychotic woman and… I suppose it’s played as funny??? I think that’s what it’s supposed be, but all I got out of it is that BECKY IS CREEPY AND SCARIER THAN ANY DEMON/GOD/OTHER PARA AND/OR SUPERNATURAL ENTITY in ANYTHING ANYWHERE EVER AND SHOULD BE LOCKED AWAY SOMEWHERE  SO THAT SHE CAN’T HURT ANYONE and THIS IS EN EMBARRASING EPISODE IF I WAS PART OF THE CAST AND CREW ETC. I WOULD NOT WANT MY NAME ANYWHERE NEAR IT.

Not even Crowley could save the episode.

And another thing – I hate that casual viewers get yet another distorted presentation of what being a “fan” and part of fandom is. No wonder people not involved in fandom tend to think we are lunatics and loosers.

This episodes goes onto my “avoid at all cost” list. It’s horrible.

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