Today is the day: no more new original Law & Order episodes are left to show. TV2 aired the series finale today.
I have loved or at least enjoyed the show from the very start. It’s been the (almost) weekly staple of my tv week for 21 years, especially the last 5 years or so that I’ve been watching less and less tv on tv because of repeats and re-repeats and re-re-repeats and tv series that get dropped without showing all of it so that it feels like if that if I want to see anything new and/or all of it, I need to get it online instead of watching it on tv. Law & Order has been the one exception to that – it was one tv series I was pretty sure would be shown to the end instead of just dropped in the middle. And they did 🙂
When they started showing it here back in 1991, I was just 17. I grew up with it. It’s one I’ve always made sure to never miss, and one I used to loyally tape on VHS back in the early seasons. If some day I can afford them, I’m going to buy the season 1-5 DVDs (my favorite era) but I have a long wishlist, and they’re not a high priority. Just a “would be nice to own ’cause I love them” 🙂
Feels unreal and weird, not having the original Law & Order on next week, or to look forward to after it’s been on a break – it’s always been there. I thought there was a decline in story quality some seasons back, but the last few seasons, I enjoyed the stories and characters again so I’m sad to see it go, I think it still had a lot of life in it left 🙁
Goodbye, Law & Order, I’m going to miss you! 🙁