Category: TV & Movies

Nov 20, 2014

Catch Up

Thought it’s time for a health & misc stuff update… Continue reading

Apr 23, 2014

Loosing Interest In “The Originals”

Seems I’ve pretty much lost interest in The Originals, starting with the first episode after Claire Holt’s last :/ I haven’t been able to watch 1×17 to the end, just not interested, and not particularly curious – even in general terms – about what’s been going on since Rebecca’s departure. She was a much needed counterpoint to all the male main characters, and the other female characters are either boring or annoying or not important enough to step into her shoes… they’re just not memorable, IMO. They’re so unmemorable I always had trouble remembering there even are other female characters on the show in addition to Rebecca in the first place. I really, really want to like Hayley but she has so little to do or whatever, that makes it seem like she’s an after thought whenever she’s on screen and serves only the male characters’ stories. Even though she’s supposed to be a main one herself 🙁

I also kind of like Genevieve. But she’s not a main character, and I just keep expecting/have a feeling she’ll be killed off sooner rather than later.

I don’t know yet what to do about Haven’t been working on it much since the hospital, and even less since Rebecca’s departure.

Feb 17, 2014

Newest Hospital News

I’m still in the hospital, and don’t know when I’ll be released.

I can now confirm, that the big thing was/is my liver accompanied by a few other smaller things. Seems I’ve started recovering now though because my liver vitals improved a lot over the weekend.

There are still some liver related tests and biopsy results pending, and I guess they want to wait for those because the usual things that they look for first came up all clear, and now checking for other possible causes. So there’s no diagnosis yet.

So, heading to right direction at the moment but not out of the woods yet.

Oct 23, 2012

Star Trek Makes Yle News!

I can’t bloody believe it! The one time I miss Yle’s Six O’clock news, Star Trek makes the news in Finland *headdesk* This is history, man!

Namely, the Destination Star Trek convention in London and a brief interview with William Shatner. This is one of the very few times (the first? the only?) outside of new movie announcements in movie news (which doesn’t count) Star Trek makes any kind of news in Finland, much less one of the main news broadcasts and I miss it?! Praise be to my Mom and Yle Areena – at least I got to see it there if not live! 

Sep 15, 2012

Goodbye, Law & Order

Today is the day: no more new original Law & Order episodes are left to show. TV2 aired the series finale today.

I have loved or at least enjoyed the show from the very start. It’s been the (almost) weekly staple of my tv week for 21 years, especially the last 5 years or so that I’ve been watching less and less tv on tv because of repeats and re-repeats and re-re-repeats and tv series that get dropped without showing all of it so that it feels like if that if I want to see anything new and/or all of it, I need to get it online instead of watching it on tv. Law & Order has been the one exception to that – it was one tv series I was pretty sure would be shown to the end instead of just dropped in the middle. And they did 🙂

When they started showing it here back in 1991, I was just 17. I grew up with it. It’s one I’ve always made sure to never miss, and one I used to loyally tape on VHS back in the early seasons. If some day I can afford them, I’m going to buy the season 1-5 DVDs (my favorite era) but I have a long wishlist, and they’re not a high priority. Just a “would be nice to own ’cause I love them” 🙂

Feels unreal and weird, not having the original Law & Order on next week, or to look forward to after it’s been on a break – it’s always been there. I thought there was a decline in story quality some seasons back, but the last few seasons, I enjoyed the stories and characters again so I’m sad to see it go, I think it still had a lot of life in it left 🙁

Goodbye, Law & Order, I’m going to miss you! 🙁