Category: TV & Movies

Feb 21, 2012

Supernatural Season 7 Thoughts

So something weird’s been going on with season 7 of Supernatural. Except for the season premiere, all the episodes have been missing some integral part that make them, I don’t know, feel “real” and “Supernatural” to me. For nearly all of the eps, I have felt like the season big bad and huge problem, Leviathans, are ignored. Like they created such a huge threat that they don’t want to deal with it and are doing everything they can to side step around the issue. But because Crawley keeps the demons away from the brothers, there’s nothing really interesting going on anymore and we get things like the mentalists and deranged fangirls marrying Sam. And even though everything written and acted well enough and there’s is absolotely nothing that I can point to and say “that is badly done”, there’s some critical component missing that I cannot identify, and it is that missing element that makes it seem not real to me. So much so that I’ve been starting to wonder about not watching the show anymore and I don’t want that because it only one of its kind. So I have persevered. And was rewarded…

Just finished watching Supernatural episode 7.15 Repo Man right now, and it’s like this is the first real episode since The Girl Next Door! 😀 And it was better than any previous S7 episode, even the premiere! I enjoyed it a lot! 😀 It felt like watching a season 2 or 3 episode 😀 I hope this is a mark of things to come, and not just an aberration in the season. I felt like I had my show back! I really, really want to enjoy the rest of the season just like this episode!

Nov 14, 2011

Supernatural – Season 7, Time For A Wedding

These “Chuck’s Supernatural books fans” stories have always been boring, uncomfortable and awful as far as I’m concerned. I guess they’re suppose to be a nod to fandom, in-joke or whatever but I hate them. And this last outing is the worst of them all! Sam’s abducted and abused by a creepy, phychotic woman and… I suppose it’s played as funny??? I think that’s what it’s supposed be, but all I got out of it is that BECKY IS CREEPY AND SCARIER THAN ANY DEMON/GOD/OTHER PARA AND/OR SUPERNATURAL ENTITY in ANYTHING ANYWHERE EVER AND SHOULD BE LOCKED AWAY SOMEWHERE  SO THAT SHE CAN’T HURT ANYONE and THIS IS EN EMBARRASING EPISODE IF I WAS PART OF THE CAST AND CREW ETC. I WOULD NOT WANT MY NAME ANYWHERE NEAR IT.

Not even Crowley could save the episode.

And another thing – I hate that casual viewers get yet another distorted presentation of what being a “fan” and part of fandom is. No wonder people not involved in fandom tend to think we are lunatics and loosers.

This episodes goes onto my “avoid at all cost” list. It’s horrible.

Nov 9, 2011


It’s 1am and I’m up. Again. I can’t sleep.  This has been going on since about mid-week last week 🙁 At first I couldn’t sleep at all, but the last two nights it got a little better – I still had bitch of a time falling asleep, but once I did – after getting up a couple of times and after rolling around for hours – I slept okay …ish.

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Jul 9, 2011

Random Things

First off, I’m dealing better with the hot weather than I did the last three summers 😀 I guess it’s because the migraine situation is so much better now and all my energy isn’t going to withstanding it. It’s been about three weeks of hot weather now, and today is the first time I feel like I can’t deal with it… just last summer, it would’ve been the third day the latest. I still hate it, but so far I don’t seem to notice it as much as I used to. And today I notice I think because:

<rant>I’m tired – I slept only 2-3 hours last night because some neighbors of mine got up/got in at 4am and talk as loud as it had been in the middle of the day. They continued this until 7am :<  I don’t get people like this: I can’t talk outside all my private stuff in voice that anyone who happens be within 50 meters hears every god damn word. Don’t they have need for privacy???????  And even if they don’t, how about being considerate? Just because it’s summer, don’t mean there ain’t people getting up early to go to work and who should be allowed to get their much needed sleep! Assholes.</end rant>

Maybe I should be grateful I’m unemployed? At least I don’t have to deal with the desire to go and strangle the assholes because they’re forcing me to go to work with whopping 3 hours of sleep.

In other news, watched the first episode of Torchwood’s season 4 today. I thought the US version was supposed to be a reboot/reimagining/whatever? But this continued where season 3 left off. Otherwise, I liked it. It was kind of weird though, Torchwood comprised of only two people. I’m happy though, to have another scifi series back on the telly. And heard Falling Skies got renewed and there’ll be season 2. Glad of that too, the shows been nothing special so far, but it’s scifi and and scifi not getting canceled (nearly) always makes me happy 🙂 I like it so much better than V (2009) when it comes to writing humans – it’s feels like it’s about all of us, even though there’s few characters focused on. This was my problem with V – the human side was supposed to be about all of us humanity, but failed spectacularly in that because they kept the focus too tightly on Erica  🙁 Falling Skies reminds me of the original V in that sense – these a few key characters, but feels like these characters are part of a community, and there are lives and stories that exist beyond the camera. I never got that feeling about the human side of V – it was all about the very few inviduals: Erica and her pals, although the subject matter required wider scope. So for that alone, Falling Skies feels more real (read: better) to me than the 2009 V ever did.

Jul 5, 2011

Health Update + Random Thoughts: Firefly

The 2nd and last last tooth that needed to be removed was taken out this morning. The time reserved for the procedure was one hour, and I was mentally all prepared for just as problematic and painful removal and recovery as the other tooth. And it was… easy! D:

I was in and out in only 15 minutes; the procedure itself took maybe 5 minutes. This time there wasn’t need for much local anaesthetic like last time, and I didn’t even feel it going in. And then afterward, I didn’t really notice it at all unlike last time when half of my face was numb for 5-6 hours after the procedure.

Another delightful surprise – so far there’s been no pain whatsoever 😀 Keeping fingers crossed the recovery goes well and that there’s no infection this time again.

On the migraine front, head’s been a little bit worse the last four weeks or so. Due to heat waves, Mom’s breast cancer and me being nervous about today’s tooth removal operation. Still, the head’s didn’t get anything near like it was just say, eight months ago. I’m cautiously optimistic that maybe meds are effective enough so that I won’t respond to stress anymore by the migraine going bad again. Which happened three times when there was stress comparable to the above issues in my life. Now it’s been more of a pressure in my head than an out right attack, which has been great because it means I’m notlosing my ability to function. I do not miss those night and days when just sitting and breathing made my head feel like it was going to explode. So, a definite step forward on this front too 😀

On happier news, I rewatched all of Firefly the last couple of weeks and to my utter surprise… I loved it. A Lot. Which I didn’t the first time around. I think it was because, I had just finished watching Buffy, and it being a Joss Whedon production, I think I expected (read: wanted) something totally different than what I got. Propably a cross between Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Star Trek or something. And then there was of course the issue of Nathan Fillion – I hated him in Buffy, and I hated him in a few other things that I saw him in before Buffy, and I was really sour that he was in my scifi and everytime he was on screen I was irritated. Which, considering, was pretty much all the time.

So now when I rewatched, I was all prepared to hate his guts again… and I didn’t. I actually liked him, a lot, as Mal Reynolds. And I really liked all the other characters too 😀 I was devasted we didn’t get more of Firefly. It had everything I look for in a tv series these days. Things like continuity and character development and pacing that let me get to know all the characters and the world instead of rushing by them to special effects and action scenes. TPTB were idiots when they canceled this series.

And now I wonder, have I totally misjudged Nathan Fillion?! I hated him so much after Buffy/Firefly, that if a series or a movie has him in it, I have not watched it. Is Firefly and Mal Reynolds just a fluke, or is he actually not irritating and it’s just the characters? I’d lumped him with the other actors and actress that I didn’t like no matter what role they played, but I disliked him more intensily than I did any other. But maybe it’s more like… I’ve had a few actors that a role they played really clicked with me as in I got nuts about that character, but all the other roles before and after were just… meh. Leonard Nimoy and his Spock are an example of that, and Kevin Conroy and his Captain Rusty Wallace another. So maybe this Nathan Fillion thing is a variation of that?