So I’ve now had all the tests ordered by the infections specialist; nothing was found and no reason for the chronic diarrhea. Removing the two bad teeth has had no effect at all on the CRP levels which continue to be slightly elevated. They decided to refer me to Gastro in case they think they should check me. I was checked by the Gastro but that was about 5 months before the chronic diarrhea started, and was because of the bad hemoglobin.
So now I’m in line for the MRI of the small intestine in October. Yay fun. I guess I should hope they’ll find someting that explains the chronic diarrhea and that can be treated, no matter what it is. I’m pretty sure I’ve this particular thing done already once, but I can’t remember whether it was for the hemoglobin or the diarrhea. But if they want to keep examining me, let them… it’d be nice to have a real explanation.
Huh. I just noticed that categories on the right don’t work. I’ll look into that. EDIT: and now they have disappeared???